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Увы пока транскрипции Алановских ответов нет, но вот некоторые людские впечатления.
Alan Wilder + Depeche Mode = true?
December 4, 2009 | By: Johan Carlsson,(London, UK)
Well, take a huuuuuge pinch of salt with that, but recently I went to a screening of the Depeche Mode documentary "The Posters Came from the Walls" in London. It's about the hardcore fans of the band, and the film crew went to Los Angeles, Mexico, Iran and other countries to find fans whose lives are heavily influenced by the band.
Present in the audience was Alan Wilder, and in a q+a session afterwards, he soon got a question about working with Depeche Mode again. To which he answered that he wouldn't mind working with the band! How's that for brighting up your day? He also jokingly said "Everyone has their price", and that the band probably still hadn't forgiven Vince for leaving. Of course, there are no current plans for this to happen, but it seemingly signifies a change in Alan's point of view.
Prodded about his opinions about the band's recent output, he said he likes the songs "Home" and "Barrel of a Gun", and that "Ultra" is the best album they have made without him. His own favourite Depeche Mode album is "Songs of Faith and Devotion".
Alan Wilder + Depeche Mode = true?
December 4, 2009 | By: Johan Carlsson,(London, UK)
Well, take a huuuuuge pinch of salt with that, but recently I went to a screening of the Depeche Mode documentary "The Posters Came from the Walls" in London. It's about the hardcore fans of the band, and the film crew went to Los Angeles, Mexico, Iran and other countries to find fans whose lives are heavily influenced by the band.
Present in the audience was Alan Wilder, and in a q+a session afterwards, he soon got a question about working with Depeche Mode again. To which he answered that he wouldn't mind working with the band! How's that for brighting up your day? He also jokingly said "Everyone has their price", and that the band probably still hadn't forgiven Vince for leaving. Of course, there are no current plans for this to happen, but it seemingly signifies a change in Alan's point of view.
Prodded about his opinions about the band's recent output, he said he likes the songs "Home" and "Barrel of a Gun", and that "Ultra" is the best album they have made without him. His own favourite Depeche Mode album is "Songs of Faith and Devotion".
Насколько я помню, в клубе Стренджел в 2007 или 08 не помню...Алан Уайлдер шутил ровно так же. У нас есть повод держать кулачки?
а вот когда последний раз марта спрашивали о том, что он думает о возможности работы с алом?
то есть вопросы-то были, но сколькл лет назад? и следовательно, главная задача в данном случае понять, как мартин в своей нынешней кондиции относится к этому. думаю, даже если девид будет категорически "за, то в случае не поддержания этого мнения мартином, совместная работа вряд ли будет возможна ...
к тому же наверняка это все слова и до дела фиг дойдет, даже при условии нынешнего позитивного и жизнелюбивого настроя дм. или даже скорее при условии его наличия.
на фотографии "нескольколетназадней" давности мартин с винсом вполне добро и по-дружеск
имхо ультра вполне логично единсвтенная нравится алу из всех их современных работ, потому что там ощущается некий дух остатка его присутствия... хотябы в плане атмосферы музыки. но это сугубая имха.
правда то же самое уже полгода говорят про алмонда, а толку ноль. может хоть алан не обманет ожиданий. subhuman-то уже довольно давно был....
А то я не вкурила в смысл сочленения Алана и ДМ в статье.